Verbs with mixed conjugation

A verb with mixed conjugation is the one for which the form in the past tense Präteritum can be formed according to the regular conjugation, and the form Partizip Perfekt / Partizip II (needed, among others, to build the Perfekt tense) can be formed according to the irregular conjugation, and vice versa. See the example:

schinden (to flay, to mistreat):
schindet, schindete, hat geschunden

The verb schinden may also have an extra irregular form (schund) in the past tense Präteritum.

schallen (to resound, to echo):
schallt, scholl, hat geschallt

The verb schallen may also have a regular form (schallte) in the past tense Präteritum.

To simplify this terminology, for the purposes of this course, we will divide our verbs into regular and irregular only, and the verbs with mixed conjugation will also be called irregular verbs.

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